ART: value

How to Draw Ribbons

Drawing a Ribbon – Technique 1

Drawing a ribbon is a bit of a parlor trick, actually. You squiggle a few lines and, like magic, you have this elegant swirling thing on your paper.  Like most magic, it isn’t difficult once you discover the trick.
Sandra's Ribbon Technique 1, Step 1Step 1
While drawing your ribbons be sure to think ‘S’, not ‘Z’ or ‘O’.  You want nice rounded curves, not corners or circles.
Sandra's Ribbon Technique 1, Step 2Step 2
Draw a second ‘S’ line, following the original curves as closely as possible.
You’ll determine the thickness of your ribbon by the distance between the two lines.  Try to keep the distance even for the entire length of the ribbon, but you don’t have to be exact.
You can skip this step if you use two pens or pencils together (see Margaret Bremner’s write-up) to draw your ribbon outline.
If you did use two pens or pencils to draw your outline, use only one for the rest of this how-to.
Sandra's Ribbon Technique 1, Step 3Step 3
Connect your ends.   Giving them a little curve adds elegance.
Ribbons are flimsy so a little ‘m’ shape at the top of your curves is okay, but if they are too noticeable, you might want to connect them.
Sandra's Ribbon Technique 1, Step 4Step 4
And finally, add some shading on the inside of each curve.
“Drawing a Ribbon – Technique 2″

Drawing a Ribbon – Technique 2

The second technique I’m showing here isn’t very different from the first, and it can look clunky on a very loosely curled ribbon. But it’s great if you want a ribbon that doubles back on itself.
I don’t recommend using two pens or pencils for this method.
Sandra's Ribbon Technique 2, Step 1Step 1
Start out as before, with ‘S’ like curves. Make your curves pointier where the ribbon will loop behind.
Sandra's Ribbon Technique 2, Step 2Step 2
Draw the ends and sides of each curve.
Sandra's Ribbon Technique 2, Step 3Step 3
Then draw the bottom line of the ribbon.
Sandra's Ribbon Technique 2, Step 4Step 4
And, finally, add shading. For this to work successfully, you should have shading in two values, to help the eye distinguish how the ribbon curls.

Create a Drawing using at least 5 different ribbons. You may incorporate other objects as well. Complete with shading. 

Some examples to inspire you!!


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