HS ART: Veteran's Day Art

Veteran's Day & Our Country

We discussed the pre-amble to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We broke down the language to better understand exactly what the wording meant. Students could choose any medium to create a tribute to veterans.  They could do a general patriotic theme, something based off of the Bill of Rights,  or dedicate their project toward someone in particular. Most chose a family member who had served, but some chose to represent famous veterans or celebrities.  We  hung these in a display in our HS lobby during our school Veteran's program. Most people used acrylic paint, colored pencil, watercolor, or collage. We even had stencil work and a welding project!

different angle, of layered paper project

Freedom of Religion

close up of thick drip painting

2nd amendment

created with Photoshop

Typography over the Freedom of Speech

Veterans.....WE THANK YOU!!


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