
Showing posts from December, 2016

ART: Greek Inspired Art

clay pot finished clay pot in process paper mache, metal, & tape finished trident trial and error Greek Food...tasted like Flan!   3-D Greek Letters and weapons


  An infographic takes a large amount of information in text or numerical form and then condenses it into a combination of images and text, allowing viewers to quickly grasp the essential insights the data contains.  (via Techopedia)   You don't have to have Photoshop to create a great infographic... here is a link  to some handy websites for creating them for free and sharing them! The main one we used was Canva . We also created some by hand. They had to include:  heading accurate information  creative and relevant font combinations alike items aligned or in close proximity graphics of some kind organize it in a logical way using design hierarchy .  Student Work

HS ART: Veteran's Day Art

Veteran's Day & Our Country   We discussed the pre-amble to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights . We broke down the language to better understand exactly what the wording meant . Students could choose any medium to create a tribute to veterans.  They could do a general patriotic theme, something based off of the Bill of Rights,  or dedicate their project toward someone in particular. Most chose a family member who had served, but some chose to represent famous veterans or celebrities.  We  hung these in a display in our HS lobby during our school Veteran's program. Most people used acrylic paint, colored pencil, watercolor, or collage. We even had stencil work and a welding project! different angle, of layered paper project Freedom of Religion close up of thick drip painting 2nd amendment created with Photoshop Typography over the Freedom of Sp...